In need of software?
We are the answer to all your requirements and we do it FAST.
Our software department has naturally evolved through the various stages of logical support with our customers. We understood that a lot of companies could not find software of the shelf for applications needed within the firm. With the free disposal of SQL tools through Open Source Unix and others, customized software is back in trend.
Strong bases are available to deploy and to develop performing software that can also be attached and cross connected to any software written with the help of SQL databases.
SQL is a wide standard that used to be very expensive and was only developed by huge software companies, providing high costs in development and support and scaring small and medium sized firms.
No more need to be scared today, Axelle software develops in no time using any codes available. Keeping in mind connectivity, compatibility and performance, our team is running fast and is acquainted with tools like .Net, Visual Basic, C++, java, active X, Omnis – developed for running under any platform available.
We listen & investigate, build a necessity topology and we offer a solution with a severe time frame.
With the variety of services we already provide, we have a distant advantage on competition to be able to offer a total package with full integrity.
If you are missing steps in automation within your firm and you know what you want, call us to meet our engineered programmers.
Any case study is within our limit and we love challenges.
Make software do the job, let your creativity and your knowledge be the guide to organize management, production or employment.